Усовершенствования системы физического воспитания в высших учебных заведениях Украины есть поиск научное обоснование среды и методов развития двигательных качеств с помощью тренировочных устройств и тренажеров.
Удосконалення системи фізичного виховання у вищих навчальних закладах України - є пошук наукове обгрунтування середовища та методів розвитку рухових якостей за допомогою тренувальних пристроїв і тренажерів.
Intensification of the educational process in higher education, activation of independent creative work, increasing mental exertion sharply raised the question of introducing into the daily life of students of physical culture and sports. It is proved that systematic physical exercise increases the neuro-psychological resistance to emotional stress, maintain mental performance at an optimal level, enhance student performance. In addition, physical education, being an integral part of the education of future professionals, plays an important role in maintaining and improving the health of students, improve physical performance, increased life expectancy, the formation of professionally important qualities of the person. However, recently there has been a persistent deterioration of health population, in particular young students. At the present stage of social development, physical culture, sport and tourism occupy a leading place in human life. This is primarily due to the fact that due to the introduction into all areas of modern technology, dramatically reduced locomotor activity of human labor in manufacturing. This situation forces us to seek new sources of revenue for the motor is working volume production. Classes in gyms and in additional equipment allow to effectively influencing the neuromuscular apparatus engaged by the local impact on individual muscle groups and effectively address the issues of preparing students for productive activities.