Розглянуто механізми реалізації принципів гуманізму та підвищення рівня фізичної підготовленості школярів засобами футболу. Визначено природні сенситивні періоди у розвитку фізичних якостей хлопчиків 7-8, 9-10 і 11– 12 років, що дозволяє створити науково обґрунтовану фундамент для багаторічного планування педагогічних впливів, визначення змісту контролю і розрахунку оціночних таблиць.
It is revealed that one of the most favorite sports among students is football, and the basics of process control suitable training based on the natural laws of child development. However, in practice, scientifically sound basis for the planning of the training process, the determination of control of physical preparedness and calculation of assessment tables is provided on the basis of outdated information. But leading industry experts of physical preparation of the players, unfortunately, pay attention only to the sportsmen of high qualification, while children's sports remains without proper methodological support. Determined that at the initial stage of sport training of young soccer players from 8-9 to 10-11 years of greatest increase are the results of the pull – 44,8%, maximum carpal dynamometry is 30.2% and a 12-minute running – 18.3 percent. At the same time, among the indicators of special physical fitness is necessary to mention the kick at range, which is increased in the above period by 8.0%. In the next stage from 10-11 to 12-13 years the situation has changed and Nistru dynamic has precisely the above result, which characterizes the ballistic strength of the muscles of the lower extremities and 22.3%. And the leaders in the development of General physical qualities remain various forms of power – from 14.7 to 15.5 percent, but these components of special physical fitness as a muscle feeling, special speed-strength characteristics and special endurance are statistically significant positive changes in the amount of from 10.2 to 11.4%; The data obtained allowed to identify priorities as in the natural development of physical qualities and physical training of various kinds, provide a scientific basis for rational planning of the training loads.