Проаналізовано стан функціонування системи фізичного виховання студентської молоді на сучасному етапі. Визначений механізм підвищення мотивації студентів до систематичних занять фізичними вправами. Розроблена методика формування вмінь і навичок застосування засобів фізичної підготовки та розраховані критерії оцінки стану юнаків та дівчат для підвищення ефективності управління процесом фізичного самовдосконалення.
Determined that the mechanism generally needs to be aimed at the development of certain physical abilities, ensure the availability of opportunities to exercise control over their own state of preparedness, but requires the formation of motivation and manifestations of moral and volitional qualities. In this case, even in the face of preparation for physical self improvement is observed the formation of a fully developed personality through the implementation of educational, educational and health problems; The proposed technology of forming a knowledgeable potential of students regarding the use and features of application of physical exercises in conditions of self-employment involves writing essays on various topics, including taking into account their own interests and preferences, which provides an implementation of the principles of humanism. In addition, boys and girls independently represent a compendium of exercises, which in the future should be put into practice for his fellow students that require a demonstration of perseverance, courage and determination. This approach provides the possibility of creativity and consolidation of acquired knowledge through correction by the teacher, carried out as needed depending on the pedagogical environment; Determine the status of physical fitness of boys and girls who study in higher educational institution gave the opportunity to develop a differentiated evaluation tables with five levels that provides them with information about the need of correction of physical loads of different orientation. To the content of control is also proposed to make the diaries in which students will mark the state of development of physical abilities and functional possibilities for heart rate before and after exercise. And so, the technique of preparation of students to physical self-improvement, provides for the development of creative abilities, volitional qualities, and the actual performance of physical exercises and physical abilities, which helps to meet the educational, disciplinary and health problems and comprehensive development of the whole person.