Здійснено аналіз службової діяльності працівників підрозділів патрульної поліції та вимог до фізичної підготовленості особового складу. Розроблено модель фізичної підготовленості правоохоронців. Встановлено, що досягнення рівня фізичної готовності працівників патрульної поліції передбачає достатній ступінь сформованості спеціальних умінь та навичок у застосуванні заходів поліцейського примусу та вимагає підвищення ролі загальної фізичної підготовки у системі професійного навчання поліцейських.
The analysis of the official activity of the staff of the units of the patrol police, the requirements for the physical preparedness of the personnel and the physical preparedness of candidates for joining the unit of the patrol police. The low level of general physical preparedness of the police is established. The analysis of the guidance documents gives grounds to state the lack of physical training at the courses of initial training of police training subjects. In the system of vocational training, time for general physical training is not planned. It has been determined that a sufficient level of general physical fitness allows maintaining a high level of efficiency and facilitates the achievement of a state of physical readiness for the performance of official duties. Physical readiness of patrol police officers should be considered as a functional state that promotes the effective performance of official duties in conditions of prolonged physical activity and involves the formation of the necessary motor skills and skills. Based on the research carried out, the model of physical preparedness of law enforcement officers is theoretically substantiated and developed. Component models are: sufficient level of development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance); sufficient level of formation of special skills and skills in the application of coercive police measures; psychological readiness and willingness to use police coercive measures. It has been established that a full-fledged formation of physical preparedness for the effective performance of official activities related to physical contact with the offender is carried out at the courses of initial training of police officers during the development of situational tasks. In the future-during the acquisition of professional experience and training in the system of training.