У науковій статті зроблено аналіз педагогічної науково-методичної та спеціальної літератури з деяких питань розвитку основних фізичних якостей в процесі виховання професійно-прикладної фізичної культури. Підготовлено методику розвитку основних фізичних якостей навчально-виховного процесу молоді вітчизняного освітнього закладу.
В научной статье сделан анализ педагогической научно-методической и специальной литературы по некоторым вопросам развития основных физических качеств в процессе воспитания профессионально-прикладной физической культуры. Подготовлено методику развития основных физических качеств учебно-воспитательного процесса молодежи отечественного образовательного учреждения.
The authors suggest an analysis of methodological and special scientific literature that highlights some aspects of developing person’s physical qualities in the process of professional and applied physical training as well as describe methods of developing key physical qualities of a student during PT-lessons in conditions of educational establishment in Ukraine. This article deals with the relevance of research and its relation to important scientific problems. The purpose of the article is the theoretical foundation of basic physical properties during employment professionally applied physical culture. The task of analysis is the educational and professional literature on the topic of research and development of methods of physical features by means of professionally applied physical training in the educational process of the educational institution. Scientific achievement is analyzed the latest edition of the research topic. And also outlined the main research, which noted that professionally applied physical culture is a special branch of physical training that examines the biomedical, health, and social aspects of the overall impact of sentential types of physical activity applied to the human personality and provides all stages of training and employment to a highly skilled professional. The main principles of physical qualities are the principle of regularity pedagogical influences gradual increase in physical activity, rational combination of exercise and recreation complex with the development of physical qualities.