В статье рассматриваются характеристика показателей физической подготовленности занимающихся армспортом на протяжении годового цикла подготовки. Установлено, что цикловое планирование тренировки позволяет выполнить большую тренировочную работу, которая способствует совершенствованию тренировочного процесса.
У статті розглядаються характеристика показників фізичної підготовленості тих, хто займаються армспортом протягом річного циклу підготовки. Встановлено, що циклові планування тренування дозволяє виконати велику тренувальну роботу, яка сприяє вдосконаленню тренувального процесу.
The path to the highest perfection in Arm wrestling is through knowledge. It is necessary that the first steps of knowledge hands wrestler ahead of his practical affairs, served as the basis for improvement. No wonder they say: it is necessary to know and to be able to reach. The coach must be very knowledgeable and experienced. Naturally, the breadth of knowledge and experience the variety of sports coaches should always exceed the student, no matter what the good results achieved neither. But it never exclude a serious theoretical training arm wrestlers. Expertise and conscientious attitude necessary for everyone involved, even the most experienced instructors. Especially it is necessary for self-sports training. Your players should have a good idea about the system of sports training, to understand what it is made and how the. They need to know the methods of training, a clear idea of what the use of special and general physical exercise, how to distribute them in one lesson and microcycle, how to choose the load. To master the technique and tactics, as already indicated, arm wrestlers must clearly understand how committed every single move and all movement in the aggregate, to be able to mentally play them, to know the basics of biomechanics. Much students need to know, so consult them regularly read special training and sports literature primarily by armsportu. Studying her hands wrestler can learn the secrets of training and find your way to superior skill.