Одне з ведучих місць у фізичному виховані займають спортивні ігри, які за рівнем своєї популярності серед населення та у світі й в Україні займають провідні позиції. Серед великої кількості спортивних ігор у державну програму фізичного виховання навчальних закладів включені ті ігрові види спорту, які поширені в Україні й мають різнобічний вплив на розвиток особистості та колективу, зокрема баскетбол.
Одно из ведущих мест в физическом воспитанные занимают спортивные игры, которые по уровню своей популярности среди населения и в мире и в Украине занимают ведущие позиции. Среди большого количества спортивных игр в государственную программу физического воспитания учебных заведений включены игровые виды спорта, которые распространены в Украине и имеют разностороннее влияние на развитие личности и коллектива, в частности сюда входит баскетбол.
One of the leading places in the physical well-mannered take sports games, which in terms of its popularity among the population and in the world and in Ukraine occupy leading positions. Among a large number of sports in the state program of physical education educational institutions included sports and games, which are common in Ukraine and have diverse effects on the development of the individual and collective, in particular this includes basketball. The influence of basketball in the state of physical fitness of students. Prominent in the structure of the national education system given to physical education as an important factor in promoting healthy lifestyles and raising healthy nation. Among the means of physical education are important sports games, which in terms of its popularity among the population and in the world and in Ukraine have leading positions. Among the large number of sports games in the state program of physical education schools included those playing sports that are common in Ukraine and are versatile impact on the individual and the collective, including basketball. Current practice shows that universities coming boys and girls with different levels of physical fitness, different knowledge and skills sections of school physical education, different levels of motivation to exercise. [This state of preparedness of students makes it difficult to effectively use scientists developed the recommendations in the educational process of higher education institutions and requires more research in this area. Improving the educational process of physical education in higher educational institutions must be justified, above all, the real state of physical development and physical fitness of students [8.p,32]. However, as shown by research [6.p,23], the university students training faculties unsportsmanlike observed low physical fitness.