Обґрунтовано необхідність вивчення цільової проблематики професійної діяльності учителя фізичної культури. Розроблено алгоритм постановки і формулювання завдань предметного ігрового уроку фізичної культури. Розкрито зміст та послідовність виконання технологічних операцій у процесі визначення освітніх, виховних та оздоровчих завдань заняття. Визначено основні вимоги, що ставляться до завдань уроку.
Обоснована необходимость изучения целевой проблематики профессиональной деятельности учителя физической культуры. Разработан алгоритм постановки и формулирования задач предметного игрового урока физической культуры. Раскрыто содержание и последовательность выполнения технологических операций в процессе определения образовательных, воспитательных и оздоровительных задач занятия. Определены основные требования, предъявляемые к задачам урока.
The article deals with the necessity of coaching teachers of physical training on the problems of professional activity. The strategy of preparation and task making of the lessons of physical training based on sports games has been worked out. The content and sequence of performing the technological activities in the process of defining educational, upbringing and health improving tasks have been discussed. The main requirements for the aims of a lesson have been covered. Particular attention is paid to learning objectives of the lesson of physical training, which are the core didactic category and bind all components of the educational process into a single system. This group of tasks is the theoretical basis of physical culture and is due by the process of learning the motion actions. Educational objectives determine the content of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, necessary to perform physical exercise. Setting targets of the lesson of physical training based on sports games provides following the appropriate algorithm – implementation of a number of technological operations in the following order. At first, a list of gaming devices, which are studying during the year, is prepared and time for their implementation is calculated. Then, based on the content of specific technical or tactical action as well as existing organizational and pedagogical conditions, the stage of training motion actions is determined. Thereafter, conditions of game activities or complexity of their implementation in class are specified. Then, specific learning objectives of the lesson, which will include training stage, name of gaming device and the conditions for its implementation is formulated. Thus, according to the physiological and pedagogical patterns, there is defined a complex educational, upbringing and health improving tasks of the lesson. Task of the lesson should be specific, concise, accessible and real to be performed by pupils of the certain class during the time, given at the lesson. They should reflect the final result of the lesson, taking into account the results of previous studies and should be successfully resolved.