Проведено дослідження щодо визначення ефективності впливу програми фізичної реабілітації з використанням лікувально-профілактичного пристрою «Кипарис» на функціональний стану хребта осіб зрілого віку з остеохондрозом у поперековому відділі.
Проведено исследование по определению эффективности влияния программы физической реабилитации с использованием лечебно-профилактического устройства «Кипарис» на функциональное состояние позвоночника людей зрелого возраста с остеохондрозом в поясничном отделе.
A study was made to determine the effectiveness and impact of physical rehabilitation program using health care device "Cypress" on the functional state of the spine of mature people with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The aim of the study was to identify the dynamics of the functional state of the spine in the physical rehabilitation of adults with osteochondrosis of the lumbar through the use of health-care device "Cypress". According goal objectives were as follows: to determine the impact of the proposed physical rehabilitation program using health care device "Cypress" the functional state of the spine of mature people with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation program using health care device "Cypress" on mature people with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. So, reduced pain, eliminating regional muscle imbalance, rehabilitation of motor capabilities of the lumbar spine and improving the quality of life of mature people with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine after application of the proposed physical rehabilitation program were the main clinical sign is the restoration of patients. The use of health-care device "Cypress" allows the consolidation of physical rehabilitation outcome. This explains the higher efficiency, found in the experimental group compared with the control.