У статті висвітлено сутність проблеми стосовно погіршення здоров’я дітей 5-ти і 6-ти років, теоретично її обґрунтовано; акцентовано увагу на оцінці психосоматичного здоров’я старших дошкільнят у дитячому дошкільному закладі освіти. Показано, що основна маса досліджуваних має середні фізичні показники.
В статье освещена сущность проблемы относительного ухудшения здоровья детей 5-ти и 6-ти лет, теоретически ее обоснованно; акцентировано внимание на оценке психосоматического здоровья старших дошкольников в детском дошкольном учебном заведении. Показано, что основная масса исследуемых имеет средние физические показатели.
In the article it is made an attempt to rethink the state of psychosomatic health of children of 5 and 6 years old as an indicator of a civilized state. It is showed that protection and strengthening of their health should be the key positions in updating of the content of preschool education. It is emphasized that solution of the health problems in pre-school institutions should be closely connected with the securement of psychological well-being of the child, protection and strengthening not only physical, but also mental and moral health of preschooler. Scientific theoretical analysis of the literature shows that the problem of strengthening the health of children of 5 and 6 years old is multifaceted, and it requires the development and implementation of new health-retaining technologies with more efficient means of physical education the aim of which would be the improving of development of motor skills. It is made the analysis of the state of health of children and highlighted the abnormal trends in the health of older preschoolers. The result of monitoring study shows that a major percentage of the normative indicators is the average degree; number of children with low scores is negligible, and failure to provide timely care for them can lead to serious consequences. It is singled out the main causes of ill health of preschool children: hypodynamia, environmental situation, unbalanced nutrition, adverse psychological climate at an early age. Actuality of the practical aspect of this problem is seen in the need of increasing the level of motor activity throughout the whole life, but it must be started in preschool age.