В статті розглядається функціонування кардіореспіраторної системи у дітей з дитячим церебральним паралічем та значення іпотерапії в її оптимізації. Показано взаємозалежність серцево-судинної і дихальної систем та їх роль у житті при даній неврологічній патології, визначено вплив та ефективність застосування запропонованої програми.
В статье рассматривается функционирование кардиореспираторной системы у детей с детским церебральным параличом и значение иппотерапии в её оптимизации. Показано взаимозависимость сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем и их роль при данной неврологической патологии, определено влияние и эффективность применения предложенной программы.
In the article the cardiorespiratory system functioning in children with cerebral palsy and value hippotherapy in its optimization. Showing interdependence of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and their role in life at a given neurological disorders, the influence and effectiveness of the proposed program. Our rehabilitation program offers Hippotherapy as a method of optimizing the functional activity of the cardiorespiratory system for children with cerebral palsy. The basic mechanism of the effect of hippotherapy on the human body is the same as any other form of physical therapy. Effects on humans occur through neurohumoral mechanisms and is based on the laws of adaptation to physical activity and formation of motor skills. In the process of adaptation to exercise, in addition to the central nervous system involved sympathoadrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary system. Under the influence of exercise is activation of internal organs and systems,is watched and activation of mechanisms causes in improving of the function of the sympathetic nervous system and reticular formation by regulating actions of the cerebral cortex. The excitation of the sympathetic nervous system stimulates metabolism - catabolism and promotes rapid and efficient energy consumption. Under the influence of exercise through motor-visceral reflexes change the function of internal organs. When riding rider involved in almost all muscle groups. Man sitting on a horse moving, you should always control balance and synchronize it makes work back muscles, trunk and all the other muscles, then relaxing, then straining them. As a result, the work included those muscles that do not work in sedentary person, even without being affected. Movement of the back muscles of the horse that goes a lot of warm and spastic muscles of the legs of a man who sits astride, increasing blood flow to the lower extremities. Strengthening blood flow generally improves blood flow to the brain.