У статті освітлено погляди авторів на використання новітніх форм та методів в організації рухової діяльності школярів.
В статье освещены взгляды авторов на использование новых форм и методов в организации двигательной деятельности школьников.
The aim of the study was lighting innovative forms of mass sports and physical recreation of students of secondary schools. The main objectives of the study: 1. To analyze the pedagogical literature, literature on physical training and information on the Internet about innovative forms and methods of mass sports work. 2. Submit to discuss and empirically chosen the tested forms and methods of activation of motor activity of students. Subject to review of the study are the forms, methods and means to organize sports activities; analysis of the features of traditional and alternative types of competitive activities, lighting the positive use of new forms of work with students of secondary schools. The article provides information on options for applying changes to the traditional training process of school children to enhance their target, targeted and planned motor activity; describes the features of the use of proven systems of exercise relative ages of those involved and the conditions of possible practical use of such sports and competitive systems. In the article describes opinion of the author’s about a new forms and methods of the organization of motor activity of schoolchildren. According to the results of pedagogical observation and testing indicators of the physical condition of children of innovative implementations allow processes to enrich the experience of participation in various types of motor activity those involved; increase the level of motivation for physical exercise; provide the dynamics of physical fitness according to age norm, and in some indicators (development of dexterity) there is a positive good results.