Приведені результати емпіричних досліджень впливу системної зовнішньої тривимірної релаксації на стан людини. У процесі формування здоров’язбережувальної компетентності 90,1% студентів технологічного університету досягли високого та середнього рівнів сформованості.
Приведены результаты эмпирических исследований влияния системной внешней трёхмерной релаксации на состояние человека. В процессе формирования здоровьесберегающей компетентности 90,1% студентов технологического университета достигли высокого и среднего уровней сформированности.
It is shown using in the training process of the subsystem creation of self-governing by man, which are intended for the release of tension and over tension in peoples body have been discovered in work. Indicated are the empiric studies results of systemic external three-dimensional relaxation (SETDR) influence on human wellbeing. During the health saving competence development process 90,1% of the students at the University of Technology have reached high and middle organization levels. Research objective: express-education experimental validation of 272 students at Chernihiv National University of Technology (CNUT) aged 17-21 while using SETDR and organization level analysis of primary health saving competence. Study primary objectives were in the study results analysis concerning primary health saving competence organization (PHSC) of a student required for professional functions fulfilment by future specialists. During the experiment a transformational process appears when a certain person immerses into a modern systemic 3D relaxing environment influenced by endogenous health forming, health saving and improving factors. Most of the education time at the study is spent on learning theoretical data concerning SETDR. To evaluate PHSC the separate questionnaire was worked out with 2 scales and space for feedback. The students from the groups PR-131, PR-132 at the Faculty of Law (FL) achieved the best result with their wellbeing improved after conducting SETDR: total points and those characterizing wellbeing, activity and mood increased by 20,2%, 12,9%, 23,4% and 2,6% accordingly. The table indicated contains data processing results received by questioning the groups at the FL (N=32) with diagrams for 7 faculties showing the results of self-assessment by the students about their functional wellbeing.