Стаття присвячена особливостям формування професійно орієнтованих умінь майбутніх учителів початкових класів до організації спортивно-масової роботи з учнями у процесі педагогічної практики. Розглядаються шляхи реалізації даної проблеми в умовах вищих навчальних закладів І-ІІ рівнів акредитації.
Статья посвящена формированию профессионально ориентированных умений будущих учителей начальных классов к организации спортивно-массовой работы с учениками в процессе педагогической практики. В ней рассматриваются пути реализации данной проблемы в условиях высших учебных заведений І-ІІ уровней аккредитации.
The article is devoted to development in future primary school teachers of professionally-oriented skills of organizing pupils’ mass sports activities in the course of teaching practice. It studies the ways of developing such skills in 1-2 accreditation level higher education institutions and analyzes scientific research works on the role of teaching practice in the process of future primary school teacher training, peculiar features of developing in future primary school teachers professionally-oriented skills of organizing pupils’ mass sports activities. Ways of developing in future primary school teachers professionally-oriented skills of organizing pupils’ mass sports activities during teaching practice have been described. The article presents the forms, methods and ways significantly affecting development of structural, communicative and organizational skills necessary to organize mass sports activities. The following were the purposes of the teaching practice trial classes and lessons: developing in future teachers professionally-oriented skills of organizing and holding competitions, sports events, contests to facilitate the process of discovering primary school pupils’ natural inclinations and abilities. The tasks set before the students teaching trial physical training and extracurricular classes were organizing mini-competitions. The summer teaching practice in health camps provided for the following purposes: developing the skills of planning mass sports activities, preparing event scenarios and competitions, selecting sports games, considering event themes, children’s age and the environment. The students were supposed to provide a set of documents with methodological developments in arranging sports games, contests, quizzes, and preparing sporting events scenarios. At the same time there have been described ways of organizing independent and individual activities with the students.