Автор вказує, що система оцінювання результатів вищої фізкультурної якості освіти повинна бути багатофакторною і багатофункціональною. На якість вищої фізкультурної освіти здійснюють вплив різноманітні чинники, найважливішими серед яких є: 1) якість цілей освітнього процесу; 2) якість засобів і умов досягнення цілей освітнього процесу; 3) якість кінцевого результату освітнього процесу.
Автор указывает, что система оценивания результатов высшего физкультурного качества образования должна быть многофакторной и многофункциональной. На качество высшего физкультурного образования осуществляют влияние разнообразные факторы, важнейшими среди которых является: 1) качество целей образовательного процесса; 2) качество средств и условий достижения целей образовательного процесса; 3) качество конечного результата образовательного процесса.
The author points out that the system of assessing the quality of higher education sports should be multifactorial and multi-functional. The author examines the field of higher education as a total sports educational activity that flows in a specialized creative environment. The system of social priorities which should include the following issues: education content (humanization, fundamentalization, between objectivity, integrative, creativity); improving teaching, including information and communication technologies; development of research and innovation; harmonization of relations between institutions of higher education with society and the state; democratization of relations in higher education; structural changes and institutional reforms; effective management; active international cooperation. The quality of higher sports education is influenced by various factors, the most important of which are: 1) the quality of the goals of the educational process; 2) as a means of achieving the objectives and conditions of the educational process; 3) the quality of the final result of the educational process. To keep socially significant level of quality in higher education need to develop sports an integrated system. Elements of the system should be: a new generation of state educational standards and, based on them, the educational standards of higher levels of institutions; system of public higher institutions of state certification of sports profile; system technology and professional accreditation of educational programs in the field of public and professional sports associations; System Certification sports profile; a system of social and economic incentives for professional growth and improve social status of teachers of physical education, expert in physical rehabilitation and coaches for the sport; activation of sociocultural factors modernization of higher sports education; the creation of a common information space of higher educational institutions sports profile; a system of continuous training of sports personnel.