Викладено актуальні проблеми профільного навчання фізичної культури у старшій школі та визначено основні шляхи підвищення його якості. Розкрито об’єктивні суперечності у ланці «школа – вищий навчальний заклад» та обґрунтовано заходи щодо забезпечення неперервності й наступності освіти.
Изложены актуальные проблемы профильного обучения физической культуре в старшей школе и определены основные пути повышения его качества. Раскрыты объективные противоречия в звене «школа – высшее учебное заведение» и обоснованы мероприятия по обеспечению непрерывности и преемственности образования.
Showing the social importance of profile teaching of physical culture in senior school. Confirmed the tends to increase its popularity among pupils and annual growth of schools of the sports profile. Set forth the actual problems of profile teaching of physical culture in senior school, including: ambiguity approaches to its organization; lack of unambiguous design technology of its content; uncertainty of monitoring system of quality pre-professional physical education; discrepancy between the criteria evaluating the success of school leavers of sports profile and the requirements of higher education. Defined the main ways to improve the quality of profile teaching physical training of pupils of senior school. Established objective contradictions at the link "school - higher school" and proposed the appropriate measures for ensure the continuity and succession of education. Reveals an objective discrepancy between the preparation of graduates secondary education with profile subject "Physical Culture" and entrance requirements for students in higher pedagogical schools with the appropriate profile. Justified the necessity of taking steps to ensure continuity and succession of education. It is proved that one of the priority ways to improve the quality of higher education is to create conditions for the formation of successful the and preparedness of students for vocational training based on maximum approximation of purpose, content and outcome profile teaching of physical culture of senior pupils of secondary school to the requirements of higher school, ie ensuring continuity and continuity between secondary and higher education.