У роботі представлені результати вивчення рівня адаптаційної напруги на основі абсолютної і відносної кількості основних популяцій иммуннокомпетентних кліток у підлітків з сколіозом і практично здорових однолітків віком 11-14 років. Дозволило нам встановити, що адаптаційний індекс у хлопчиків і дівчаток з сколіозом підвищується і це свідчить про можливість сприятливого прогнозу психофізичного розвитку підлітків цього віку.
В работе представлены результаты изучения уровня адаптационного напряжения на основе абсолютного и относительного количества основных популяций иммуннокомпетентных клеток у подростков со сколиозом и практически здоровых сверстников возрастом 11-14 лет. Позволило нам установить, что адаптационный индекс у мальчиков и девочек со сколиозом повышается и это свидетельствует о возможности благоприятного прогноза психофизического развития подростков этого возраста.
It is interesting to study the impact of organic defect of the spine at the level of adaptive strength and cellular immune reactivity in children with scoliosis of different age groups for the development of therapeutic and preventive measures to improve the quality of life of children with special needs. To start this investigation we should explore the absolute and relative number of major populations of immune cells in the peripheral blood of children of different age groups with scoliosis. The purpose of the research. To study the degree of adaptive strength of children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years based on indexes of absolute and relative number of cells in the main imunocomponent peripheral blood. Recourses and methods of research. The bases for the study were: Specialized boarding school for children with scoliosis in Alekseev-Druzhkovka and secondary school number 17 Slavyansk, Donetsk region, department of health and physical education DVUZ "Donbas State Pedagogical University." The study was conducted in 15 children aged 11-14 years with scoliosis (9 boys and 6 girls). But in the control group the similar studies were carried out on 22 healthy peers (12 boys and 10 girls). Results and their discussion. Habitat, disease and specific conditions lead to the development of adaptive processes of formation stresses that vary in depth and duration of the possibility of compensatory processes. These processes require compensatory adjustment, regulatory systems. It can not affect the state of health as an individual and collective health, morbidity structure of healthy people and children with scoliosis.The level of stress adaptation of children with scoliosis really has not been studied in connection with the limited children with scoliosis in certain regions. Therefore, we attempted to determine the degree of adaptive voltage of scoliosis in children in the age group of schoolchildren from 11 to 14 years. Comparing the collective level adaptive strength of boys and girls aged 11-14 years with scoliosis we can note that girls show increased on 6.98% ratio of collective level adaptive strenght compared with the rate in boys with scoliosis at the age of 11-14. Summarizing and perspectives for future research. Adaptation index in boys with scoliosis increased by 20% and 32.5% for girls, this indicates the possibility of a favorable prognosis of mental and physical development of children of this age (11-14 years). Children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years have a lower level of adaptive strength to almost healthy peers. For individual adaptation strength of boys are in response to the training area and in areas of increased activation and quiet, and the girls are mainly in the area of training, although they also belong to the quiet zone activation and stress.