У статті подано алгоритм комп’ютерну програму “ДКСА: педагогічна діагностика сформованості готовності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до оздоровчої роботи з молодшими школярами”.
В статье представлен алгоритм компьютерную программу “ДКСА: педагогическая диагностика сформированной готовности будущих учителей физического воспитания к оздоровительной работе с младшими школьниками”.
Nowadays, there is a high social demand for a prospective teacher of Physical Education as a talented personality, who is capable of individual thinking, producing creative ideas and making brave, non-standard decisions. Hence, the main task of the teaching staff of the higher education institution is the upbringing of the new generation of qualified coaches in the sphere of Physical Education. That is the reason why the diagnostics of professional activity of the prospective Physical Education teachers has to be put onto the practical basis. It will enable scientific approach to the quality of education and the professional growth of prospective coaches.The conduction of evaluation and especially self-evaluation of students’ readiness to professional work should be aimed at the developing of abilities towards the self-awareness and self-esteem. This will assist in transferring the college education system into the mode of active self-regulation and self-adjustment in relation to each student. These days, while trying to evaluate the readiness of college students to professional work, it is possible to encounter a number of controversies. On the one hand, there is the necessity of updating the system of control over the prospective teachers’ level of preparation to recreational work with younger students. However, on the other hand, currently teaching colleges face the lack of mechanism for assessment based on computer testing. We offered an algorithm of assessment based on computer testing (Computer program “ DKSA: pedagogical diagnostics of formation of the prospective teachers’ level of preparation to recreational work with younger students ”).