Розкрито вплив психофізіологічних особливостей розвитку організму дівчаток початкової школи на результативність у вправах з м’ячем. Обґрунтовано диференційований підхід до вивчення «школи м’яча» в початкових класах на основі врахування психофізіологічних показників дівчаток 6-10 років.
Раскрыто влияние психофизиологических особенностей развития организма девочек начальной школы на результативность в упражнениях с мячом. Обосновано дифференцированный поход к изучению «школы мяча» в начальных классах с учетом психофизиологических показателей девочек 6-10 лет.
Reveals the influence of physiological characteristics of an organism girls in primary school performance in exercises with the ball. Grounded differentiated approach to the study of "School Ball" at the primary level with due regard to physiological parameters girls 6-10 years. Established that the optimal period for the development of physical skills and early learning of motor actions are of primary school age, characterized by strong growth and development of the body. Best in the age range 6-10 years formed speed and coordination skills, as the most effective means of physical education of elementary school students are mobile and sports games. It was determined that the structure of movements in exercises with the ball is characterized by speed and accuracy, and efficiency of training depends on the motor and mental development of the child. Therefore, increasing the effectiveness of training exercise from the "school ball" is a key issue of physical education in elementary school. It is shown that the most effective way of improving the training exercise is a differentiated approach because individual features in children of the same age and sex significantly affect the quality and speed of assimilation. Justified, that the rational selection and dosage physical activity based on the characteristics and growth rate of the body and increases student success formation motor experience, including mastering exercises with the ball. Results of the study psychophysiological impact of girls in primary school age on performance exercise with ball.