Статья посвящена проблеме анализа зрительно-моторных реакций женщин, занимающихся оздоровительной физической культурой в зависимости от полиморфизмов гена 5НТТ системы в аспекте прогностической оценки устойчивости реакций ЦНС в динамике тренировочных нагрузок. Представлены результаты исследований по изучению психофизиологического состояния женщин.
Стаття присвячена проблемі аналізу зорово-моторних реакцій жінок, що займаються оздоровчою фізичною культурою в залежності від поліморфізмів гена 5НТТ системи в аспекті прогностичної оцінки стійкості реакцій ЦНС в динаміці тренувальних навантажень. Представлені результати досліджень з вивчення психофізіологічного стану жінок.
The article is devoted to the analysis of visual-motor responses of women in health-enhancing physical activity as a function of gene polymorphisms 5NTT system in terms of the prognostic assessment of stability in the dynamics of reactions CNS training loads. The results of studies on the psycho-physiological condition of women. As a result of the spent researches similar tendencies of development of the central exhaustion have been found out in carriers different alleles of genes serotonin systems. Carriers highly active alleles of genes conveyor and receptor genes serotonin and low-activity allele a receptor gene 2А are characterised by stabler reactions to physical and monotonous intellectual loadings that allows them to keep stable level of working capacity during fulfilment of physical activity. On the other hand, carriers low-activity allele a conveyor gene serotonin and highly active allele a receptor gene 2А are characterised by higher speeds of reactions, both simple, and difficult visually - motor reaction, but thus stability of these reactions at them more low, and they change the characteristics under influence both physical, and intellectual loadings more considerably. Thus, definition alleles of polymorphisms genes serotonin systems allows to predict degree of stability to the central exhaustion and can serve as additional criterion for loading definition. During too time, an estimation of visually-motor reactions will allow to carry out earlier diagnostics of an overstrain of vegetative nervous system and overtraining, especially at the women genetically predisposed to development of the central exhaustion.