Розглянуто проблеми управління початковою підготовкою спортсменів, які спеціалізуються в рукопашному бою. Визначено вікові особливості розвитку фізичних здібностей юних бійців 10-11 та 12-13 років. Розроблена диференційована оцінка загальної і спеціальної фізичної підготовленості зазначеного контингенту.
Рассмотрены проблемы управления начальной подготовкой спортсменов, которые специализируются в рукопашном бое. Определены возрастные особенности развития физических способностей юных бойцов 10-11 и 12-13 лет. Разработана дифференцированная оценка общей и специальной физической подготовленности указанного контингента.
Found that the only controls that allow you to provide feedback from the coach to the athlete is monitoring and evaluation, and their content should be evidence-based and take into account age-related contingent features and the specifics of the chosen sport. A self-analysis of experimental data indicates the presence of significant positive dynamics of all results of the research, the development of General and special physical abilities rukopashnik from 10-11 to 12-13 years. The greatest increase was observed in terms of determining the status of the development of the muscular sense is 32.8%, strength endurance of the shoulder muscles is 24.1%, and the number of kicks is asking for 20 - 21.8 percent. It should also be noted positive changes in the volume of more than 13% in the results of the bending and straightening the arms in a lying position on the fists for 10 seconds, running at 60 m, the number climbs the trunk for 1 min, bending the trunk forward and long jump. However, at the same time, the growth rate of General endurance, which is 5.8%, demonstrates the need to introduce additional cyclic physical activity of low intensity and significant volumes to reduce the imbalance of aerobic and anaerobic abilities of young rukopashnik. In the process of selecting the contents of the control were analyzed sources in two directions: General physical training of the younger generation and special physical preparation of athletes specializing in hand-to-hand combat. Thus, certain easy-to-use tests that allow us to obtain information about the status of all the General physical skills. In addition, the content control included special tests that characterize the muscular sense, special power and speed-strength abilities. Estimated state table of General and special physical preparedness of young rukopashnik 10-11 and 12-13 years enrolled in primary and previous basic stages of long-term sports improvement, allowing a reasonable correction of the training activities and differentiation contingent on three levels - low, medium and high.