У статті розглядаються питання фізичного розвитку молоді у процесі занять флорболом, впливу занять цим видом спорту на фізичний розвиток старших школярів, розглянуті деякі історичні аспекти становлення флорболу в Україні. В результаті дослідження встановлено, що флорбол сприяє розвитку фізичних та морально-вольових якостей юних спортсменів, формує правильну поставу, виховує почуття колективізму та волі до перемоги.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы физического развития молодежи в процессе занятий флорболом, влияния занятий этим видом спорта на физическое развитие старших школьников, рассмотрены некоторые аспекты становления флорбола в Украине. В результате исследования установлено, что флорбол содействует развитию физических и морально-волевых качеств юных спортсменов, формирует правильную осанку, воспитывает чувство коллективизма и воли к победе.
The subject of the article is youth physical development in the course of floorball activity, the influence of the sport on senior high school students; some historical aspects of floorball formation in Ukraine have also been explored. The research has established that floorball encourages young sportsmen physical and mental development, brings up team spirit and striving for victory. As floorballin Ukraine gathers morepace, it attracts children and adults, men and women, amateurs and professionals, people of various occupations and social strata, disabled people. Today floorball is considered to be an understudied sport and it’s scientific and research development is determined by the following factors: lack of methodological studies in terms of floorball technique classification as well as its training and improvement, development of different methods of young sportsmen physical capacity. More and more spectators are engaged with the dynamism, game speed and unexpected score together with players’ high technique. The game develops such physical skills as speed, stamina, agility. Floorball also builds up one’s character, forms unity, brings both good physical and mental state, and strengthens health. In terms of physical education system floorball is used as means of rehabilitation for people with physical damage. Floorball came to Ukraine in 2005 in virtue of general availability, simplicity and low investment of this game. Since this sport looks out over the global stage as a result of experienced coaches and talented player’s involvement, it increasingly requires experimental studies for tutorial, technical and tactical knowledge to be improved, for expanding players’ abilities, for adjusting training system. We are confronted with the issue of creating both tutorial and scientific literature to be available for the wide range of youth who should be aimed at floorball promotion in Ukraine, at keeping a healthy lifestyle to encourage a comprehensive physical development by means of floorball and sport achievements.