У статті розглядаються результати експериментальної перевірки концепції та програми особистісно орієнтованого фізичного виховання, яка була проведена в Донецькому національному університеті.
В статье рассматриваются результаты экспериментальной проверки концепции и программы личностно ориентированного физического воспитания, которая была проведена в Донецком национальном университете.
The article deals with the results of experimental verification of the concept and program of personally oriented physical education, which was held in Donetsk National University. Operational and established pedagogical conditions of realization of personality oriented approach and assessment of physical fitness of students of experimental (160 boys and girls) and control groups (also for 160 boys and girls) at the beginning of the experiment (in September 2012.) The features of the construction of the physical education process in the experimental group. They consisted of a gradual (from athletic to literacy education) the formation of physical training of the person; to use technology NLF; The use of selective, level differentiation based on an objective assessment of the teacher of the department of physical education and sport level of physical culture of the individual student, and elective based on the individual student's choice depth development of theoretical and methodical maintenance of discipline. The concept and program of individually oriented physical education in Donetsk National University developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On physical culture and sport", "On Higher Education", taking into account national and international experience. This concept is designed in accordance with the "Blueprint for the development strategy of Donetsk National University in 2012-2014.". Among the various technologies used complex outlines key: • social; • pedagogical; • psychological; • physical education and sports; • sports and recreation.