У статті представлені результати дослідження спеціальної рухової підготовленості, ігрової діяльності, тактичного мислення і тактичної підготовленості баскетболістів 10-13 років.
В статье представлены результаты исследования специальной двигательной подготовленности, игровой деятельности, тактического мышления и тактической подготовленности баскетболистов 10-13 лет.
“BASKETTEST” author’s methods for the control and improvement of basketball players’ tactic thinking and the ways of determining tactic preparedness and the development level of special motor preparedness were developed. The application of these developments in the training process allowed to get objective data of tactic thinking in attack and defense among the basketball players aged 10 (31,54±1,55% and 33,82±2,43% respectively) – 17 (69,95±1,38% and 73,54±1,87%, respectively). Besides, the indexes of tactic preparedness of players in the same age categories were determined in attack (88,72±9,18 cu at the age of 10 and 413,51±54,76 cu at the age of 17) and defense (91,00±9,36 cu at the age of 10 and 417,10±54,75 cu at the age of 17). We were able to determine the general development level of special motor training for the young players corresponding to the average level. The methods of individual tactic training of young basketball players in the year training cycle using interactive technologies were developed and checked experimentally using these models. The significant increase of tactic preparedness and game quality of basketball players aged 13-14 and 16-17 proved the efficiency of developed methods of individual tactic preparedness that implied complex improvement of tactic preparedness and special motor preparedness of young players in year training cycle.