У статті актуалізовано проблему впливу малорухомого способу життя на стан здоров’я молодших школярів. У публікації розкривається сутність рухової та фізичної активності у повсякденному житті дитини. Обґрунтовано ефективність систематичного виконання фізичних вправ.
В статье актуализирована проблема влияния двигательной активности на состояние здоровья младших школьников. В публикации раскрывается сущность двигательной и физической активности в повседневной жизни ребенка. Обоснована эффективность систематического выполнения физических упражнений.
The health status of the population - a measure of social development. Physical activity, regular physical education - mandatory conditions of health and a healthy lifestyle. The analysis of scientific works devoted to solving problems. The scientific researches of last years allow to speak about significant changes in the body during short supply movements and muscle activity in general. Researchers found that physical activity of pupils first and second class in comparison with preschoolers are decreased by 50% and 75% of the senior pupils during all the time of activity keep sedentary lifestyle. The aim of the article – to determine the impact of sedentary lifestyle on the schoolchildren’s health. The main material. The increase in home tasks, forcing children to sit for hours on notebooks and books, passion for computer games, Internet and video, lack of opportunities for physical education and sports - the main causes sedentary (and thus unhealthy) lifestyles, distribution of hypodynamia. The importance is the problem of excessive weight of a body and obesity among Ukraine children, which is a major factor in irrational food, insufficient physical activity. Under the influence of physical exercise being improved the structure and activities of all organs and systems of the child, increases working capacity, strengthening health. Conclusions. The complete physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle that affects practically on all aspects pupils and young people’s life.