У пропонованій статті на матеріалі текстів усної народної творчості досліджено особливості лінгвалізації семантико-культурологічного змісту концепту вода як одного з базових фрагментів концептуальної картини світу українців. Описано основні мовні особливості реалізації його фреймової структури та з’ясовано їхню жанрову зумовленість завдяки залученню до аналізу фольклорних текстів різних жанрів.
В предлагаемой статье на материале текстов устного народного творчества исследованы особенности лингвализации семантико-культурологического содержания концепта вода как одного из базовых фрагментов концептуальной картины мира украинцев. Описаны основные языковые особенности реализации его фреймовой структуры и выяснена их жанровая обусловленность благодаря анализу фольклорных текстов разных жанров.
In the article on the material of folklore texts the features of lingvalization of semantic and cultural content of the concept water as one of the basic pieces of Ukrainian conceptual world image are analyzed. There are different approaches to defining the limits of the notion of concept – from understanding it as meaning of a word to expand it to the unit of mental organization of information. The proposed study is based on interpreting concept as the informational structure of consciousness which is formed as a result of human cognitive activity, reflection of received about the subject information. Ukrainian mythological ideas about water more than once have been the subject of scientific research in cultural aspects because the cult of water as a life source occupied an important place in the life of ancient Slavs. There are a few studies that are dedicated to examining of verbalization of relevant concept in language mentality of some Ukrainian writers. Detailed analysis of the concept water verbalization on the material of Ukrainian folklore will help to identify its national cultural features. In folklore texts number of concept water frames are objectified. On the one hand they are related to the cult of water which existed between ancient Ukrainians and caused attribute to water magical properties and on the other hand they are related to the contradictory relationships of mankind with this element which is not only a source of life but also a source of danger. Weighty component of semantic and cultural content of the analyzed concept is belief that water is an element that is closely linked to social and family life of people (proof of this is frequent mentions about it in family and love songs). In spells and tales the magical properties of water (that can heal or vice versa to take strength) are stressed. Frequently in proverbs and sayings (except the meanings that already have been mentioned) meanings ‘source of danger’, ‘uncertainty’, ‘threat’ are implemented. This semantic and cultural content is objectified through a complicated system of contextually related meanings that are verbified via combination of word water with appropriate adjectival and verbal words. These combinations mainly realize figured information that is possible thanks to the wide functioning in folklore parallelisms the origins of which should be searched in animistic and anthropomorphic ideas of ancient Ukrainians. Further studies may be aimed at clarifying the correlation of semantic and cultural content of the analyzed concept which is realized in Ukrainian folklore and saved in the consciousness of contemporary Ukrainians.