У дисертації вперше в українському мовознавстві здійснено аналіз лінгвокультурної парадигми творчості Ліни Костенко. Основою авторського підходу стало комплексне дослідження лінгвокультурної специфіки соціокультурних концептів у поетичних і публіцистичних творах письменниці, що відображають її світоглядні позиції та особливості вербалізації розгляданих концептів у засобах мови.
У дослідженні проаналізовано особливості світобачення Ліни Костенко та його відображення в лінгвокультурному та концептуальному підходах до семантики мовних одиниць у художніх текстах.
Здійснено лінгвокультурний аналіз домінантних концептів у художніх і публіцистичних творах Ліни Костенко, схарактеризовано мовні засоби, які відображають мовну картину світу в авторській інтерпретації.
В диссертации впервые в украинском языкознании осуществлен анализ лингвокультурной парадигмы творчества Лины Костенко. Основой авторского подхода стало комплексное исследование лингвокультурной специфики социокультурных концептов в поэтических и публицистических произведениях писательницы, в которых отображаются её мировоззренческие позиции и стилистические особенности вербализации рассматриваемых концептов посредством языка.
В исследовании проанализированы особенности мировоззрения Лины Костенко и его отображение в лингвокультурном и концептуальном подходах к использованию единиц разных уровней в художественных текстах.
Осуществлен лингвокультурний анализ доминантных концептов в художественных и публицистических произведениях Лины Костенко, отображающих языковую картину мира в авторской интерпретации, охарактеризованы лингвостилистические особенности художественного почерка писательницы.
The dissertation represents the results of the analysis of linguocultural paradigm of literary works of Lina Kostenko. Linguacultural peculiarities of sociocultural concepts in Lina Kostenko’s fiction and publicistic works that reflect her outlook and features of concept verbalization by language means are studied.
The concept of the linguacultural paradigm as a specific way of reflecting Ukrainian ethnic and national, social, historical, scientific etc. outlook in the literary works of the Lina Kostenko by linguistic and stylistic means is defined in the thesis. The author firstly in the Ukrainian linguistics proves the place and status of linguaculturology in the system of knowledge humanitarian paradigm.
Modem multi-paradigmal linguistics emphasizes on anthropocentric tendencies in linguistic phenomena researches. They must be aimed on defining the role of the human’s factor in the process of communication, speech and individual author perception representation in the categories of different genres forms of Ukrainian language.
The dissertation research is based on the theory of language world view as a way of existence objectivization in a person consciousness and reflection of knowledge and understanding of reality that are an integrative nomen of language and conceptual world views.
The original definition of linguacultural concept is made in this work. It is the informative unite in a person consciousness that originates general cultural and national-cultural information and reflects conceptual and perceptional knowledge about cultural phenomena and events. They intend a particular set of general background knowledge that, reflecting the intentional native speakers’ ability to associate themselves with a particular language community and link culturally marked units of language with cultural «quanta».
Language units that verbalize archetypical notions of Ukrainian ethnos are distinguished and structured in the thesis; the peculiarities of language units that allow to fragment Ukrainian word view are clarified; main linguacultural concepts of the literary works of the Ukrainian poetess are analyzed. The linguacultural analysis of the dominant concepts in fiction and publicists works of Lina Kostenko is done, structural elements that reflect the writer’s language world view are characterized. Much attention is paid to the literary works of Lina Kostenko considering her role in life of the Ukrainian society.
The key units in each context of Lina Kostenko’s literary works were marked and described on the basis of the descriptive method, component analysis, methods of linguacultural fields and linguacultural interpretation.
The author analyzes the features of Lina Kostenko’s outlook and peculiarities of its reflection in linguacultural and conceptual approaches to the semantics of language units in fiction and publicistic works of the writer.
Linguacultural analysis of concepts is done on the basis of differentiation of «objective» and «subjective», «national specific» and «common to all mankind» factors in the process of understanding the world by the modem Ukrainian writer.
Metaphor is one of the most important markers of Lina Kostenko writing as it reflects her perception, observation and categorization of the world.
The conceptual writer’s understanding of contamporainety and its further interpretation (objective assessing, characterising of reality, evaluating of social relations, moral standards, etc.) is based on objective ontological parameters. Sociocultural concepts such as «nation», «language», «power» and «politics» are indicative for this level of perception and they form its axiological, meaningful, and semantic core.
Individual perception of the world generates existential linguacultural concepts. Ontological concepts of «life», «soul», «world», «universe» and «nature» that characterize the skillfulness of the writer’s literary works are distinguished and analyzed in the thesis.
«Culture» is the dominant and fundamental concept in publicistic works of Lina Kostenko and generally means humanitarian aura of Ukarainian nation, its energy field. «Language» and «word» are sense-making and self-protecting forces of Ukrainians that help us to save the current form of Ukrainian national identity on the basis of cultural identity.