Розважальна та змагальна практика використання драгонботу робить цей вид веслування одним з найпопулярніших дисциплін Міжнародної федерації каное. Це видовищний і цікавий вид спорту, що має давні історичні корені, . найближчим часом, існує велика ймовірність посилення позицій драгонботу, як у спорті, так і у сфері розваг.
Развлекательная и соревновательная практика использования драгонбота делает этот вид гребли одним из самых популярных дисциплин Международной федерации каноэ. Это зрелищный и интересный вид спорта, имеющий древние исторические корни, в ближайшее время, существует большая вероятность усиления позиций драгонбота, как в спорте, так и в сфере развлечений.
Dragonbot is not the Olympic type of sport, however very developed in the countries of Asia, but lately - and other countries of the World, he is mass, democratic, does not require initial abilities and base sport preparation. Entertaining and contention practice of the use of dragonbot does this type of rowing one of the most popular disciplines of the International federation of canoe. It is a spectacle and interesting type of sport that has old historical roots. In addition there is large probability, in the near time, strengthening of positions of dragonbot in sport and entertaining practice. Already the enormous amount of competitions is now conducted all over the world for juniors, veterans and in absolute championship for operating sportsmen
Rowing on boats "Dragon" from year to year becomes all more popular in Europe - on the whole, and to Ukraine - in particular. For today, about 20 Ukraine clubs participate in the Ukrainian and international competitions from 2005 after two versions: IDBF - the International federation of dragonbot and ICF - the International federation of canoe. The first championship of Ukraine was conducted in 2005, where 3 commands participated just, in 2007 the amount of participants increased to 7 commands, on results 2013 - 14 commands participated in championship of Ukraine. Sportsmen in composition of the Collapsible command of Ukraine from 2005 come forward on international competitions.
Thus, if for the countries of the Asian region of rowing on boats "Dragon" is the national type of sport, then for European sportsmen - absolutely new, does not have both cultural traditions and compatible methodology of preparation. If in the Asian clubs in competitions sportsmen that is specialized in this type of sport come forward from dragonbot, then in our country, mainly, are sportsmen from the family types of rowing sport : rowing on kayaks and canoes and rowing academic.