В статье выявлена динамика рейтинга командного выступления сильнейших пловцов-студентов по результатам получения призовых наград среди мужчин и женщин, участников финальных заплывов на всемирных Универсиадах на 1 этапе их проведения, состоявшихся с 1959 по 1991 гг.
У статті виявлена динаміка рейтингу командного виступу найсильніших плавців-студентів за результатами одержання призових нагород серед чоловіків і жінок, учасників фінальних запливів на всесвітніх Універсіадах на I етапі їх проведення, що відбувалися з 1959 по 1991 рр.
This article was devoted the dynamics team of performance rating of strongest swimmers-students, which based on a prize-winning among men and women at the World Universiade on the I stage of the 1959 to 1991. In the top ten of the most successful teams-swimmers were: United States-319 medals, USSR-185, Japan-55, FRG-Germany-54, Canada-53, Netherlands-38, Italy-37, United Kingdom-35, Hungary-34, Romania-28 medals; in the second ten representatives: Brazil-22, Czechoslovakia-21, Australia-19, China-16, Poland-16, France-14,Yugoslavia-11, Bulgaria-4, New Zealand-4, South Africa-4 medals; the third top ten rounded out athletes: Belgium-3, Spain-3, Portugal-2, Sweden-2, Greece-1, Ireland-1, East Germany-1, Malaysia-1, Switzerland-1, Mexico-1 medals.
Among the swimmers-men students leaders in 1 level were representatives of: United States-173 medals, of the USSR-113, Japan-45, FRG-Germany-37, Canada-30, Great Britain-19, Brazil-19, Italy-15, Hungary-15, Australia-9 medals, while among women swimmers were: United States-146 medals, of the USSR-72, Netherlands-30, Romania-28, Canada-23, Italy-22, Hungary-19, FRG-Germany-17, Great Britain-16, China-14 medals. Such trend was marked by changing settings in the achievements of men and women, depending on the level of distances with a view of obtaining gold, silver and bronze medals: winners of World University Games swimming have a similar level of achievement in scores on the FINA table, both men (717 points) and women (719). Silver medalists had lower levels of evaluation of their achievements (696 and 686 points) how and bronze medalists of the World University Games of swimming (678 and 665 points).
The current accounting practices of winners and prize-winners of World University Games of swimming when PivotTables were derived, were based only on the quality of the awards, the were winners first, then the silver medalists and bronze medalists, now needs to adjust the objective assessment of the development of swimming among the Member countries. Therefore, the practice of evaluating the achievements of the team swimmers must be entered the first, quantitative indicators, which will be supplemented with quality depending on the cases of receiving gold, silver and bronze medals is based on the criteria identified in the scores on the table of the FINA.