The article analyzes the changes in polish educational system of 1918-1939 years, which occurred as a result of its reformation. First of all the reform affected general education making it possible to bring order in specialties and professions in future, to create a coherent system of professional schooling and agree the requirements for admission. It was established that in
times of transition professional schools continued to work according to the old educational models, and new schools had to correspond to the officially recognized main types of schools -
gymnasiums and high lyceums. The task of the new types of professional schools was to restore confidence of population concerning the quality of graduate training and strengthening
educational and general cultural features.
The author sets whole national statistic data of professional school pupils’ division by different features. It was established that the majority of students were taught at the expense of the state and private individuals, the least amount of pupils - by local authorities. A few number of professional schools were established at enterprises, which at that time had a small amount of employees. The article investigates the changes influence in education on the development of professional schooling system in eastern Galicia, in particular Lviv School District, composed of Lviv, Ternopil and Stanislav provinces. The article highlights the attitude of Ukrainian teachers to these changes who marked their positive impact on the new structure of education and its quality. Statistical data on the
specialized schools’ functioning in the Lviv province is represented. The author sets an example of establishment and functioning of one of the oldest professional schools in Western Ukraine, which is based on the discovered historical sources. The main source of information about the professional school was a historical reference that the administration was obliged to submit to the ministry and a summary report on the state of professional schooling in Poland.
У статті проаналізовано зміни в польській системі освіти 1918-1939 років, що відбулися внаслідок її реформування. Розглянуто вплив змін в освіті на розвиток фахового шкільництва в Східній Галичині. Показано ставлення до цих змін українських педагогів, які відзначали позитивний вплив нової структури освіти на її якість. Представлено статистичні дані про функціонування фахових шкіл у Речі Посполитій та
Львівському воєводстві. Наведено приклад заснування і функціонування однієї з найстаріших фахових шкіл в Західній Україні, який ґрунтується на віднайдених історичних джерелах.
В статье проанализированы изменения в польской системе образования 1918-1939 годов, произошедшие вследствие ее реформирования. Рассмотрено влияние изменений в
образовании на развитие профессионального школ в Восточной Галичине. Показано отношение к этим изменениям украинских педагогов, которые отмечали положительное
влияние новой структуры образования на ее качество. Представлены статистические данные о функционировании специализированных школ в Речи Посполитой и Львовском
воеводстве. Приведен пример создания и функционирования одной из старейших профессиональных школ в Западной Украине, основанный на найденных исторических