Автор досліджує фізичний стан студентів, існуючі методики оцінки якого недосконалі і громіздкі, що не дозволяє об’єктивно оцінювати фізичний стан. Запропонована методика оцінки складається з трьох простих тестів: тесту працездатності та витривалості (за К. Купером), тесту визначення рівня функціонального стану серцево-судинної системи та тесту силових можливостей, які за бальною системою складають підсумковий рівень оцінки фізичного стану студентів.
Автор исследует физическое состояние студентов, существующие методики оценки которого несовершенны и громоздкие, что не позволяет объективно оценивать физическое состояние. Предложенная методика оценки состоит из трех простых тестов: теста работоспособности и выносливости (по К. Куперу), теста определения уровня функционального состояния сердечно-сосудистой системы и теста определения силовых возможностей, которые по бальной системе составляют итоговый уровень оценки физического состояния студентов.
Physical condition, performance and health of students in Ukraine is bad, which is confirmed by many numerical studies of various specialists. At the same time, there are no simple, reliable and informative methods of assessment of the physical condition. The author investigated the different methodology for assessing the physical condition of the students of technical universities. It was found that the existing methodology for assessing the physical condition of the imperfect and cumbersome, that is composed of many indicators that are difficult to receive and process a large number of students. Recommended tests include literature uninformative indicators, durable for run-time are quite complex in execution, include expensive devices, methods and results are ineffective. Proposed by the author assessment methodology consists of three simple tests: 1) performance and endurance test (students perform 12-minute jogging or swimming at K. Cooper - the number of registered surmounted meters); 2) test the functional state of the cardiovascular system (students perform 20 sit-ups in 30 seconds - is recorded heart rates before and after the test - at the beginning of the second minute of recovery); 3) power capacity test (students perform pull-ups or push-ups - recorded the number of pull-ups on the bar or the number of push-ups). For each test the student receives a certain number of points, which are calculated by a special (suggested by the author), tables. Earned the dough balls on each level make the final assessment of the physical condition of the students.
Individual performance test execution allow to register dynamics of the physical condition of the students, to evaluate the effectiveness of various programs of conditional training of students, the quality of employment by fitness.