В статті розглянуто особливості компонентної структури формування професійної компетентності медичного персоналу. Уточнено основні складові компетентності медичної сестри в аспекті її готовності до роботи в інклюзивних закладах. Надано характеристику комплексу професійних компетенцій медичної сестри. Обґрунтовано основні проблеми формування комунікативної професійної компетентності медичної сестри щодо роботи в закладах інклюзивної освіти.
В статье рассмотрены особенности компонентной структуры формирования профессиональной компетентности медицинского персонала. Приведено уточнение основных составляющих компетентности медицинской сестры в аспекте ее готовности к работе в инклюзивных заведениях. Рассмотрена характеристика комплекса профессиональных компетенций медицинской сестры. Обоснованы основные проблемы формирования коммуникативной профессиональной компетентности медицинской сестры по работе в учреждениях инклюзивного обучения.
This article is about forming competence of the medical sisters which takes place in the continuous process of self-development of knowledge, abilities and getting new ideas, information. Actually, “competence” is a possibility to carry out independent activity based on universal knowledge. A large value takes not the presence of certain internal possibilities and capabilities, but also the ability to apply this internal ability. The competence of medical sisters of inclusive educational establishment belongs to the list of special professional competences. Professional competence provides not only the existence of certain psychological knowledge, but also pedagogical as the formation of some special skills of ability to establish contacts, listen, "read" Non-verbal communication, build a conversation, create questions. Important is also the possession of a nurse with your own emotions, ability to maintain confidence, control your reactions and behavior as a whole. Psychological quality, which ensures adequate communication in the system of relationships "medical worker-pupil" in inclusive institutions of study, there is also empathy, ability to compassion, empathy, a kind of psychological "inclusion" into the world experiences Pupil. Emotional complicity helps establish psychological contact with pupils. get more complete and accurate information about them, about their condition, instill confidence in the competence of the medical worker, in the adequacy of his actions towards pupils. Formation of the professional competence of a secondary medical worker in the aspect of readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions should be considered as one of the priority goals of training nurses. Designing the process of forming the professional competence of medical workers should be aimed at the development of motivational, cognitive, personal, active components of professional competence.