У статті обґрунтовано деякі особливості реалізації діяльності фізичної реабілітації в Україні, визначено основні складові фізичної реабілітації, а також основні напрями її розвитку в Україні. Актуальність проблеми викликана тим, що в Україні розвиток фізичної реабілітації потребує більш ширшого вдосконалення та розвитку, залучення провідних науковців та спеціалістів.
В статье обоснованы некоторые особенности реализации деятельности физической реабилитации в Украине, определены основные составляющие физической реабилитации, а также основные направления ее развития в Украине. Актуальность проблемы вызвана тем, что в Украине развитие физической реабилитации требует более широкого совершенствования и развития, привлечения ведущих ученых и специалистов.
The article substantiates some features of realization of physical rehabilitation activity in Ukraine, defines the main components of physical rehabilitation, as well as the main directions of its development in Ukraine. The urgency of the problem is caused by the fact that in Ukraine, the development of physical rehabilitation requires greater improvement and development, involvement of leading scientists and specialists. At the present stage, physical rehabilitation is a topical issue in Ukraine. Currently, there is a tendency to use inefficient physical rehabilitation means and methods, as this type of rehabilitation is a relatively new industry in Ukraine, which is in its infancy. That is why qualitatively new professional training of specialists in physical rehabilitation and improvement of the current system for its implementation is needed. By our definition, comprehensive rehabilitation is a complex multifactorial process that involves various, closely related and complementary types, among which are medical, physical, psychological, social, professional, economic, pedagogical, sports, household, technical, wellness and legal rehabilitation. Physiotherapy - a component of physical rehabilitation, which studies the physiological and therapeutic effect of natural and preformed physical factors, develops methods of their preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative and restorative use and carries out their practical application. Іn the scientific literature on the outlined problem there is also the following interpretation of the phenomenon of physical rehabilitation: "application for therapeutic and prophylactic purpose of physical exercises and natural factors in the complex process of restoration of health, physical condition and working capacity of patients". Physical rehabilitation has a leading place in a comprehensive rehabilitation system. It aims at restoring the physical performance of patients and includes all questions about the use of physical factors in the rehabilitation process, as well as provides for the study of the body's response to their use.