Проаналізовано виступи українських бігунів на короткі дистанції (чоловіки і жінки) на Олімпійських іграх і чемпіонатах світу в період з 1992 по 2019 рр. Виявлено динаміку результатів легкоатлетів у бігу на 100 і 200 м, причини відставання від провідних бігунів світу. Охарактеризовано специфіку прояву швидкості в спринтерському бігу, фазовість набирання і спаду швидкості, що необхідно враховувати під час підбору основних тренувальних засобів бігунів на короткі дистанції.
Проанализированы выступления на олимпийских играх и чемпионатах мира украинских бегунов на короткие дистанции (мужчины и женщины) в период с 1992 по 2019 гг. Выявлена динамика их результатов в беге на 100 и 200 м, причины отставания от ведущих бегунов мира. Охарактеризована специфика проявления быстроты в спринтерском беге, фазовость набора и спада скорости, что необходимо учитывать при подборе основных тренировочных средств бегунов на короткие дистанции.
Ukrainian short-distance runners’ performances (men and women) at the Olympic Games and World Championships during the period of 1992 – 2019 have been analyzed. The dynamics of their results in 100-200m running was identified as well as the reasons for going behind world’s leading runners. Peculiarities of performing fairly precise movements at high speeds, specific character of showing speed in a sprint race and phases of acceleration and deceleration were characterized. This should be taken into consideration in the process of choosing major training exercises, improving speed abilities of athletes. The results of the Ukrainian sprinters show that the methodological component of the development of the speed quality used by the coaching staff was in the leading positions in Europe and in the world. The current level of training of Ukrainian short-distance runners leaves much to be desired for various reasons, one of which, in our opinion, is the main one - an increase in the unjustified intensification of short-distance runners training in the initial stages of the multi-year training process. This approach led to a decrease in normative results in sprint racing, as well as to the lack of purposeful methodological support and system of realization of accumulated knowledge on development and improvement of one of the basic physical abilities - quality of speed. At the present stage, this problem is a major one and requires a comprehensive study and training of the coaching staff to develop a better organization of the training process in sprint racing. These characteristics of sprint running give us the opportunity, on the one hand, to correctly evaluate the prospective indicators of the sprinter body (total body length, legs, their ratio, type of nervous system, etc.), and on the other - with high accuracy of adequacy to select the main training tools and methods of their application. that will improve the quality of speed and, as a consequence, increase the speed of running.