Досліджено питання впровадження комп’ютерних технологій у процес формування творчої самореалізації магістрантів музичного мистецтва під час вивчення циклу диригентсько-хорових дисциплін у вищому педагогічному навчальному закладі. Охарактеризована сутність фахової підготовки студентів до музично-педагогічної діяльності з учнями загальноосвітньої школи, а саме проведення вокально-хорової роботи на уроках музичного мистецтва. Запропоновані навчальні методи спрямовані на формування творчої самореалізації магістрантів музичного мистецтва. Використання комп’ютерних технологій здійснюється порівняно з вирішенням організаційних, методичних і навчальних завдань під час музично-педагогічної діяльності вчителя музичного мистецтва зі школярами. Виявлена необхідність оволодіння магістрантами музичного мистецтва навчальними методами, що передбачає широке використання можливостей засобів мультимедіа, комп’ютерних технологій, залучення учнів до евристичної діяльності. Обґрунтована гіпотеза, що використання комп’ютерних технологій в музичному навчанні підвищить мотивацію студентів до творчої самореалізації.
Relevance of the study. Today a new system of music education is emerging in Ukraine. Changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process are aimed at stimulating students to acquire professional competencies, and to give them independent work of creative, problematic and research
character. In addition to traditional music-pedagogical technologies, computer technologies are also used to
promote the intellectual skills of undergraduate musicians, their musical abilities, and creative self-realization in teaching. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the use of computer technologies in the method of formation of creative self-realization of undergraduates of musical art. Objective of the article: to consider the possibilities of computer technologies in the professional development of undergraduates of musical art; to analyze teaching methods on vocal and choral development of pupils in music lessons using computer technologies; to develop author’s educational methods of forming the creative self-realization of undergraduates of musical art. Research methods: theoretical, empirical. Results. Educational methods of
forming the creative self-realization of undergraduates of musical art include educational methods that involve the use of modern computer technologies, namely: the method of fragmentary data processing; method «Emotional curves»; problematic method; method of professional-problematic reflection; method of
purposeful influence on the process of students’ perception of choral works; the Creative search method; method of solving creative problems; a method of integrated use of modern computer technology. Discussion. The issue of using multimedia and modern computer technology in the preparation of
undergraduate music students is not sufficiently presented in scientific pedagogical materials. Findings. The necessity of mastering music undergraduates was revealed by the teaching methods, which involve the use of opportunities of multimedia, computer technologies, involvement of students in heuristic educational activity. The hypothesis that the use of computer technologies in music training will increase students’ motivation for
creative self-realization both in teaching and in future music-pedagogical activity is substantiated. Originality. The author’s educational methods of forming the creative self-realization of undergraduates of musical art have been developed. Conclusions. Thanks to the presented teaching methods, which are
included in the method of forming the creative self-realization of the undergraduates of music art, students learn to submit educational material to students in music art lessons in electronic form, using the compactness of educational visual material, as well as the possibility of involving students in interactive educational
activities. By mastering certain teaching methods, undergraduates of musical art learn to intensify the process of mastering students vocal and choral skills, to encourage them to music and creative activity. Significance. The author’s educational methods of formation of creative self-realization to conductor-choral training of
undergraduates of musical art are introduced.