Розглядається проблематика потенціальних можливостей і резервів фахового навчання студентів факультетів мистецтв педагогічних університетів. Формування вокально-виконавського досвіду в майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва вимагає упровадження педагогічних орієнтирів у процес фахового навчання, серед яких: інтегративний підхід; привнесення у навчальні дисципліни, які не володіють можливостями безпосередньої вокально-виконавської діяльності, вокально-виконавського елементу; цілеспрямованість процесу фахового навчання майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва на педагогічну мобілізацію всіх можливих резервів навчальних курсів. Педагогічний потенціал фахового навчання майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва щодо формування вокально-виконавського досвіду в якості комплексу педагогічних можливостей цього процесу визначається через методичний інструментарій вмотивованості студентів у систематичному провадженні вокально-виконавської діяльності як основного джерела вокально-виконавського досвіду, а також через акумуляцію знань, умінь і навичок, необхідних для розвитку інтелектуально-творчих особистісних якостей, що забезпечують стабільний якісний рівень вокального виконавства.
Relevance of the study. The article deals with the urgency of the problem of pedagogical potential of vocational training in the formation of vocal and performing experience in the context of improving the quality of art education in order to give future teachers of music art more qualification, which includes the presence of young professionals with professional experience in general and vocal performance. It is stated that vocal and performing experience allows the future teacher-musician to perform vocal-choral work at the proper level, to lead various forms of organization of collective music of schoolchildren, as well as to be able to conduct his own educational vocal-performing activity. The modern tendency of increasing the urgency of
the problematic of potentials and reserves of professional training of students of the faculties of arts of pedagogical universities for forming vocal and performing experience has been determined.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to outline the research, theoretical substantiation and determination of the pedagogical potential of professional training of future music teachers for forming vocal and performing experience. Research methods. On the basis of the analysis of scientific-theoretical literature, the concept of "vocalperforming experience" is specified as a personal-professional characteristic of the future teacher of music
art, which synthesizes knowledge, skills and skills in the field of vocal performance, ability to evaluate and reflexively analyze the results as one’s own activity, as well as concert performances by other vocalists, as well as the ability to account for and correct mistakes. Results. It is established that the pedagogical potential of professional art education involves the functions of such artistic education as motivational and educational, cultural, cognitive, hedonistic, communicative, creative and stimulating, as well as the function of psychological detachment. It is stated that the formation of future vocal teachers of vocal-performing experience requires the introduction of pedagogical guidelines in the process of vocational training, including: an integrative approach to the
educational process in higher music-pedagogical educational institutions, which allows the formation of vocal and vocational training students of educational disciplines who have the ability to directly vocal performance, but also during the acquisition of training courses that possess consciousness indirectly vocal and performing activities; introducing into the disciplines that do not have direct vocal and performing activities, a vocal and
performing element that can carry functional and illustrative load, psychological discharge, etc.; the purposefulness of the process of professional training of future music teachers to pedagogically mobilize all possible reserves of training courses on the systematic conduct of music-performing activities in general and
vocal-performance activities in particular. Conclusions. The pedagogical potential of professional training of future music teachers in forming vocal and performing experience as a complex of pedagogical possibilities of this process, which operate with
methodical tools on motivation of students in the systematic conducting of vocal and performing activity as the main source of vocal acoustic, skills and skills necessary for the development of intellectually creative personality traits that provide consistently high quality level of vocal performance.