Досліджується феномен виконавської мобільності педагога-музиканта за допомогою формалізації її змістової структурної характеристики шляхом виявлення та впорядкування окремих елементів, які об’єднані в чотири компоненти: інформаційно-потребовий, операційно-технологічний, емоційно-оцінний та творчо-комунікативний. Проведений аналіз уможливлює наукове пояснення сутності, специфіки та значення кожного з складових елементів досліджуваної структурної характеристики. Розглянуті теоретичні основи формування виконавської мобільності майбутніх педагогів-музикантів є базою для подальшої теоретичної розробки та методичного обґрунтування шляхів педагогічного впливу на студентів з метою формування їх виконавської мобільності в процесі фортепіанної підготовки.
The article considers the phenomenon of executive mobility of a music teacher is investigated by formalizing its meaningful structural characteristics, by identifying and organizing individual elements, which are combined into four components: information-required, operational-technological, emotionalevaluative and creative-communicative. In the basis of the formation of the system by musical-theoretical knowledge is the basis for the
development of musical thinking of the instrumentalist musician. This knowledge is necessary for the understanding of the laws of musical art, understanding of the musical form, which will facilitate the cultivation of active musical hearing and musical memory. In general, music-theoretical knowledge allows one to regard musical art as an integral artistic form. In addition to that very important for the teacher musician to have the skills of ensemble performance: building in the ensemble of a general performance plan, achieving a scientific and dynamic balance. The information-required component forms the basis for the development of musical thinking, contributes to the understanding of the laws of the musical-historical process, informs about the peculiarities
of technological processes of performance, regulation of the psychophysical state of the performer. The operational and technological component envisages the use of future music teacher of his professional abilities, characterized by his instrumental and performing skills, including in ensemble and concertmaster activity. This emotional-evaluative component determines the need to understand, understand and provide
emotional experience of the composer's author's intention, provides the student-instrumentalist's ability to respond to different emotional states of the partners, assesses and corrects the course of the performing activity, making conscious self-regulation in the creative direction. The creative and communicative component makes it possible for the future music teacher to make individual transformations in the author's text, characterizing the openness of contacts that determine the willingness to interact with music part and listeners, ensures the speed of its entry into the professional environment, gaining professional experience. So, the conducted analysis provides a scientific explanation of the essence, specificity and significance of
each of the constituent elements of the studied structural characteristics.