У статті розглядаються проблеми любові, кохання, свободи вибору у прозі Франсуази Саґан, які є центральними у творчості письменниці. Особливу увагу письменниця приділяє проблемам самотності, спустошеності, пошуку абсолютної свободи, що пов’язано з боротьбою за виживання, трагізмом існування людини. Екзистенціалізм у прозі письменниці простежується крізь розкриття змісту категорій «буття» та «смерть».
Introduction. The article considers the problems of love, love, freedom of choice in the prose of F. Sagan, which is the main purpose of writer creativity. The writer develops in his work the theme of loneliness, devastation, search for absolute freedom, which is associated with the struggle for survival, the tragedy of human existence. Existentialism prose writer, disclosure category «Being-death». Purpose: investigate the prose of F.Sagan on the basis of early novels and later motives of loneliness, alienation, conflict of good and evil. Results. In trying to unravel the psychological state of the characters, the writer uses an internal monologue, a reception of the author’s conversation with the reader. The whole story is in the form of a detailed discussion monologue. F. Sagan through diversity of images indicates that love is the potential of every person. All people are able to reach the summit of love, but many of them close this path for themselves: some – for the sake of pleasure, others turn their lives into a pursuit of money, power, prestige. Hoping that this will come to a full existence. But this is another way, not always the right one. You can only fill yourself with love. Originality. Man is increasingly governed by low-order values – spiritual callousness, gratitude, permissiveness, crossing all boundaries and norms, wealth and money at any cost. As a conclusion, this general order condemns people to spiritual loneliness. People are immersed in themselves, in personal affairs, worries, troubles. Communication between them atrophies, goes into dialogue. F. Sagan through diversity of images indicates that love is the potential of every person. All people are able to reach the summit of love, but many of them close this path for themselves: some - for the sake of pleasure, others turn their lives into a pursuit of money, power, prestige. Hoping that this will come to a full existence. Conclusions. With the help of the constructed gallery of images, F. Sagan reflects the state of the contemporary intelligentsia. Its heroes protest against the impoverishment, the grayness of modern society with its consumerist attitude to life. This rejection of the down-to-earth environment forced the writer to portray a bohemian society in her works. All her prose is a spontaneous record of the state, the transmission of a continuously flowing spiritual, bodily intellectual life of «I». The writer does not exclude the category of conscience, her characters live in the moment, but try to overcome their selfcentered ability to love. Love itself is a measure of their individuality, and it is only through this feeling that the writer so to speak, checks whether her character came as a person or not.