Стаття присвячена проблемі морфологічної варіантності іншомовних слів в історії української мови. У ній розглянуто основні теоретичні і практичні нормотворчі положення укладачів тогочасних словників А. Кримського, Б. Грінченка, Є. Желехівського та ін., а також прозаїків М. Коцюбинського, Панаса Мирного, І. Нечуя-Левицького, О. Кобилянської, В. Стефаника, Б. Лепкого. Названо причини виникнення та поширення варіантів іншомовних слів у мові. Описано функціонування найпоширеніших видів морфологічних варіантів у текстах художніх творів. Визначено загальні тенденції розвитку морфологічної варіантності.
Introduction: interlinguistic and extralinguistic processes of late XIX – early XX centuries became determinative for providing united language for all of Ukrainian lands. Multifaceted dialect environment, lack of the norms stability and codification, Polish and Russian influences reflect on the language formation. It caused a large number of morphological variants appearing. Purpose: stylistic and structural analysis of morphological variants in Ukrainian language prose and dictionaries of late XIX – early XX centuries. Methods: a descriptive method was used for picturing the synchronous slice of language. The comparative-historical method reveals the development of language from the turn of the century to nowadays. Elements of the quantitative method were used to summarize the trends that have become the mainstay of language development. Results: morphological variance is a phenomenon peculiar to foreign words that needed grammatical adaptation to the norms of the Ukrainian language, which were actively formed in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Various approaches to normalization in words with no semantic motivation were caused variants. Gender variants of foreign words had an extensive
system and were formatting a weak linguistic norm. Foreign language token was used in fiction to depict intellectual language or create a professional environment. The forms of masculine or feminine gender have become predominantly, much fewer words with the indicators of the middle genus have become modern standard forms. Numerical variants occurred less frequently in prose and dictionaries, and they also became a weak linguistic norm. Conclusions: morphological variance – special type of variance, which contents features of the both types of language variances (lexical and grammatical). The principles of ordering foreign words developed at the end of the XIX – early XX centuries became the theoretical basis for further normalization of the literary standard.