У статті досліджено когнітивну та комунікативну природу літературного дискурсу на матеріалі роману Івана Франка «Основи суспільності». Засобами художньо-образного мислення і слова дуже вдало Франком розкрито справжнє обличчя польського панства в цій повісті. Автор виступив проти тотального порушення прав українців в умовах імперської дійсності. У структуруванні літературного дискурсу задіяні елементи герменевтичного трикутника (автор – текст – читач) із застосуванням концептів, які чинять сильний вплив на свідомість читача.
The article examines the cognitive and communicative nature of literary discourse based on the material of Ivan Franko‘s novel «The Foundations of Publicity». In this text, Franko uses literary and figurative approaches to reveal his view of the Polish gentry. Particularly, the author depicts the steady violation of the Ukrainians‘ rights in 19th-century Galicia. The elements of the hermeneutic triangle (author – text – reader) add structure to the literary discourse and exert strong impact on the reader.
The article focuses on Franko‘s skillful rendering of direct human communication. In his text, Franko refers to the so-called Kukizov crime: Maria Stshelecka, the owner of the village of Kukizov, together with her son Alexander, attempted to kill and rob the wealthy and greedy priest Jan Thórznicki in order to save their property. All ruling elites, the court and the press supported the Stsheleckis, because they belonged to an ancient noble family. Despite all conclusive evidence of Stsheleckis‘ guilt, the court found them innocent. In his text, Franko harshly criticized the corrupt state of society. Ivan Franko uses a number of lexical items that occur with varying frequency. We have indicated this frequency according to Solomiia Buk‘s study «Chastotnyi slovnyk romanu Ivana Franka "Osnovy suspilnosti" («A Frequential Dictionary of Ivan Franko‘s Novel "The Foundations of Publicity".
We examine the concepts, cultural and mental linguistic items that structure the semantic space of Franko‘s text. The most important concepts encountered in the novel are: KNOWLEDGE, GOD, WORD, SOUL, PEOPLE, MONEY, LOVE, SIN, COURT, which occur with a quite high degree of frequency.