Для вирішення проблемного поля щодо збору, збереження, кількісного порівняння та оперативного опрацювання
результатів експертної оцінки створено комп‘ютерну програму. В статті описано математичний алгоритм роботи
цієї програми. Фундаментом створеної програми, завдяки поєднанню елементів експертного опитування за методом
Дельфі та методу сучасної теорії ієрархічних систем Т. Сааті, є процедура синтезу пріоритетів і принцип парних
порівнянь. У створеній програмі визначаються ступені узгодженості та логічності суджень кожного з експертів.
The most used in today's methods of
expert assessments (questionnaires, surveys, brainstorming) have a number of underestimations, the main of which is that the
consistency and logic of expert statements are not determined.
To solve this problem field, a computer program has been created for collecting, saving, quantitative comparison and
operational processing of the results obtained through a collective expert evaluation. The article describes the mathematical
algorithm of this program.
As a base of the program, due to the combination of elements of the Delphi expert survey and the method of modern
theory of hierarchical systems T. Saati, the procedure of synthesis of priorities is taken, which is calculated on the basis of subjective
expert estimation. The priority or weighting factor is determined on the basis of the individual judgment pair comparison principle of
the expert on the priority (the degree of advantage, weight) of one component of a particular process over another. In this work, the
method of simple iteration is used.
The created program establishes the judgments coherence and logic degree of each of the experts. That is, by way of the
estimation pair comparison of the individual expert it is not permissible to violate the coherence and logic of his estimations. A dual
comparison excludes the possibility of "blind" use of an uncoordinated and illogical evaluation, requires its refinement or ignores the
use of such an assessment. With the help of convenient and easy to use author's computer program, scientists were able to quickly
obtain quantitative units of weighting factors of the studied components of a particular process. This allows to display all the results
of an interdependent collective, logical and coordinated individual expert estimation.