У статті обґрунтовано проблеми та перспективи фізичної терапії підлітків 12-14 років з короткозорістю у післялікарняному періоді. Важливим етапом у лікуванні зорових вад є фізична терапія, яка має на меті корекцію та
компенсацію зорового порушення і виправлення вторинного дефекту, який часто трапляється в дітей із зоровою патологією.
In the article the problems and prospects of physical therapy of teenagers of 12-14 years with myopia in the post-hospital period are grounded. An important step in the treatment of visual impairments is physical therapy, the purpose of which is to correct and compensate for visual impairment and the correction of a secondary defect, which often happens in children with visual pathology. Visual impairment is one of the most common types of health disorders in children and adults. Due to visual perception, a
person receives 90-95% of environmental information. The human eye is able to perceive the shape of objects, their size, volume, color, distance and spatial relationships. The rehabilitation of children with visual impairments is complex. To achieve positive results use gymnastics, eye gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy, special movement games. The goals of exercise therapy are to improve the emotional state and normalization of major nervous processes; improvement of activity of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems, metabolic processes; strengthening the weakened muscles of the back and torso, increasing the level of strength and general endurance; developing and improving motor skills and improving overall physical development; nurturing and consolidating the skill of the correct posture, correcting the defect of the posture and strengthening the eye muscles. In gymnastics training should include reinforcing, special breathing, dance; exercises for forming spatial representations, special exercises for the eyes, exercises for strengthening the ciliary muscle, exercises for the development of fatigue resistance, mobile games of special direction.