Розроблено й обґрунтовано програму фізичної терапії жінок 50-55 років після ішемічного інсульту на санаторному етапі із застосуванням ЛФК, лікувального масажу, фізіотерапії, скандинавської ходьби. Доповнено існуючі програми фізичної терапії для жінок 50-55 років після ішемічного інсульту на санаторному етапі застосуванням методу «скандинавська ходьба».
Разработана и обоснована программа физической терапии женщин 50-55 лет после ишемического инсульта на санаторном этапе с применением ЛФК, лечебного массажа, физиотерапии, скандинавской ходьбы. Дополнены существующие программы физической терапии для женщин 50-55 лет после ишемического инсульта на санаторном этапе использованием метода скандинавской ходьбы.
The state of the research of the problem of physical therapy for 50-55 years old women after the ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage has been analyzed. The degree of neurological disorders in 50-55 years old women after the ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage has been determined. The program of physical therapy for 50-55 years old women after the onset of ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage with Scandinavian walking has been developed and substantiated. The application of physical therapy program for 50-55 years old women after the ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage has been experimentally tested and the effectiveness of using Scandinavian walking has been rated.
Scandinavian walking is a highly effective type of physical activity, in which certain methods and techniques of walking are used with the help of specially designed sticks. Due to the Scandinavian sticks, the burden on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and hands, as well as the cardiovascular system, increases. It allows you to load your arms and back muscles, and at the same time unload the joints of the lower extremities. The Scandinavian sticks help to develop and control the desired walking pace and facilitate the process of walking itself. In general, 90% of muscles are being involved with such a walk. The practical value of the results obtained is to develop practical recommendations for the use of the Scandinavian walk in the physical therapy for 50-55 years old women after the ischemic stroke at the sanatorium stage.