Проаналізовано сучасні тенденції, концептуальні ідеї щодо правильного розвитку дітей у аспекті формування
опорно-рухового апарату та забезпечення високого рівня здоров’я. Визначено провідні причини відхилень від норми
формування постави і стопи дітей. Систематизовано сучасні підходи і способи профілактики відхилень у розвитку таких
елементів опорно-рухового апарату, а також деякі провідні принципи реабілітації.
In the scientific research the modern
tendencies, conceptual ideas and approaches to the correct development of children’s motor system formation and ensuring a high
level of health are analyzed. Such scientific methods of research as analysis, systematization, generalization of literary sources
information are used. The main causes of deviations from the norm of posture and feet formation of children who are pupils of
elementary and primary schools are determined. It is established that at present the most widespread motor disabilities are those
that are associated with the formation of the spine and foot. They are based on structural or functional deviations from the standards
of development of various organs and systems of the organism. We systematized modern approaches and methods of prevention of
deviations in the formation of posture and children's feet. First of all, it is comfortable furniture, spacious clothes, the correct position
of the body while performing various types of main movements; the absence of wrong poses, body positions, especially when writing
and reading. Prevention of flat feet involves, first and foremost, the use of orthopedic footwear. The main means of prevention,
especially the correction of spine and foot deviations, are physical exercises, especially games, gymnastics, massage, as well as
hygienic and natural factors in the heat tempering. Complex character has measures of flat feet correction, such as: reduction of
load, mechanical support of the arch of the foot, strengthening of its musculo-skeletal structure with the help of physical exercises,
physiotherapy procedures. Preventive and corrective measures should be comprehensive, complementary and optimal in physical