У статті обґрунтовано комплексну фізичну терапію чоловіків 35-45 років з розсіяним склерозом у післялікарняному періоді. Розсіяний склероз відноситься до хронічних неврологічних захворювань аутоімунної природи, мають несприятливий перебіг і прогноз.
The article substantiates the complex physical therapy of men 35-45 years with multiple sclerosis in the posthospital period. Multiple sclerosis refers to chronic neurological diseases of an autoimmune nature, with unfavorable course and prognosis. Physical rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis is currently the least studied topic in comparison with the problems of drug treatment and this is explained by the diversity of clinical manifestations and course, and the complexity of the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development, conflicting views of clinicians on the impact of clinicians on the impact of.
Such means include reflexology, kinesitherapy, massage, metered walking, etc. The benefit of active physical rehabilitation
is evidenced by the fact that formed as a result of increasing clinical manifestations of MS and psychological depression of the
patient, hypokinesia and behavioral passivity, also contribute to the progression of tissue atrophy, stiff joints, which enhances the
existing functional. The program for the rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis is aimed at improving the quality of life,
functional independence of the patient and should include measures of medical, psychological and social rehabilitation.