У статті обґрунтовано особливості фізичної терапії юних спортсменів з порушеннями функцій хребта на диспансерному етапі.
В статье обоснованы особенности физической терапии юных спортсменов с нарушением функций позвоночника на диспансерном этапе.
The article substantiates the features of physical therapy of young athletes with dysfunction of the spine at the dispensary stage. The prevalence of lesions of the musculoskeletal system has also increased in children engaged in sports. The results of the analysis of literary sources indicate insufficient coverage of issues of diagnosis and rehabilitation in case of violations of the spine functions in young athletes. Functional disorders of the spine athletes in the future lead to the occurrence of injuries and structural diseases, both the movement organs, and internal organs. Сomplex diagnostics and therapy of young athletes is one of the most important problems of children's sports medicine. The emergence of modern diagnostic equipment and new approaches to rehabilitation in the disturbances of the musculoskeletal system in children engaged in sports create the need for monitoring the health of young athletes and the creation of modern programs of physical therapy for violations of the spine functions in young athletes. Thus, the analysis of literary sources confirms the urgency of the problem of developing an effective program of physical therapy for young athletes, taking into account the peculiarities of the growth and development of the child's organism in modern conditions, the increase in the number of diseases of the apparatus of movement, both in the whole children's population and in young athletes. Inconsistency of the passport and biological age against the background of early sports specialization and increased inadequate physical activity, inappropriateness of selection and monitoring of the physical condition of athletes, the discrepancy between the sport and the morphological and functional capabilities of the child's body requires the development of new approaches to the problem of rehabilitation of children in sports.