У статті зазначено, що формування готовності майбутніх фітнес-тренерів до професійної діяльності у фітнес-індустрії спрямовано на оволодіння ними знань, умінь та навичок, необхідних для проведення динамічного багатофакторного процесу, що складається з компонентів фізичного, психічного, духовного і соціального станів, які піддаються розвитку.
В статье указано, что формирование готовности будущих фитнес-тренеров к профессиональной деятельности в фитнес-индустрии направлены на овладение ими знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для проведения динамического многофакторного процесса, состоящего из компонентов физического, психического, духовного и социального состояний, которые поддаются развитию.
The article pointed out that the formation of readiness of the future fitness trainers to professional work in the fitness industry is aimed at the mastery of knowledge and skills required for the dynamic multi-factor process, consisting of the components of the physical, mental, spiritual and social conditions that are amenable to development. The extensive growth in demand for fitness services, due to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, physical beauty, is an incentive for the modernization and reform of the higher education system today. The ability to perceive reality holistically, to create a picture of the world in unity with many phenomena and processes that develop are the priority for the human. The priority for the human is the ability to perceive reality holistically, to create a picture of the world in unity with many phenomena and processes that develop. We know that innovative processes and innovative consciousness are the basic components of modern progress. The tendency to diffusion of innovation in the fitness industry has caused some social and cultural inquiry, which means that the already developed a certain motivation of people to a particular type of sports recreation activities.
In recent years in Ukraine, there were changes in the methods, organizational forms and objectives of the educational activities in high school. Among the main functions of higher education is dominated by those that are aimed at preparation of future specialists after graduation in higher education to the challenges of the information society and professional development.