У статті обґрунтовано сучасний погляд на проблему фізичної терапії жінок 35-45 років із синдромом хронічної втоми у післялікарняному періоді. Синдром хронічної втоми це стан організму, при якому імунна система людини толерантна до хронічно рецидивуючих вірусів, дріжджових грибів, патогенної мікрофлори та паразитів, з якими імунітет здорового організму в нормі легко справляється.
В статье обоснована современный взгляд на проблему физической терапии женщин 35-45 лет с синдромом хронической усталости в послебольничном периоде. Синдром хронической усталости это состояние организма, при котором иммунная система человека толерантна к хронически рецидивирующих вирусов, дрожжевых грибов, патогенной микрофлоры и паразитов, с которыми иммунитет здорового организма в норме легко справляется.
The article substantiates the modern view on the problem of physical therapy of women 35-45 years old with chronic fatigue syndrome in the post-hospital period. The syndrome of chronic fatigue is the state of the organism, in which the immune system of humans is tolerated to chronically recurrent viruses, yeast fungi, pathogenic microflora and parasites, with which the immunity of a healthy organism is normally easily managed. The most common complaints to date from patients with various diseases are: general weakness, fatigue, malaise, chronic fatigue. The symptoms listed are common to various forms of the disease. Healthy people can also complain about these symptoms, namely chronic fatigue, but after a good rest their condition is significantly improved. But the syndrome of chronic fatigue is characterized by prolonged and severe psychosomatic disorders. The increase in the number of diseases associated with violations of neuroimmunoremonic systems is due to a sharp deterioration of the environmental situation, the activation of latent viruses, the growth of psycho-emotional stress, leading to a decrease in the body's resistance and increased neurotic and immune disorders with chronic fatigue syndrome. This necessitates an integrated system approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease, including means of physical rehabilitation. The syndrome of chronic fatigue is an independent nosological unit. When making a diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chronic fatigue can be a symptom of somatic or chronic infectious diseases. The main principle of the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is the complex use of medicines, exercise therapy and physical procedures, proper working conditions, rest and nutrition.