Метою статті є дослідження ґенези професійної підготовки вчителів фізичної культури в закладах вищої
освіти. З опорою на авторську періодизацію історії розвитку професійної підготовки фахівців фізичного виховання і
спорту в Україні у XX столітті Л. Сущенко, використанням аналізу наукової думки та систематизації вітчизняних
дисертаційних досліджень вирізнено та схарактеризовано ключові наукові дослідження ґенези професійної підготовки
вчителів фізичної культури в окремих країнах. Перспективами подальших наукових розвідок є пошук оновлення змісту,
форм і методів підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до професійної діяльності.
The purpose of the article is to
study the genesis of professional training of physical education teachers in higher education institutions. The analysis and
systematization of scientific sources made it possible to determine that among the scientific sources on the historical aspects of the
physical education teachers training in in individual countries one should mention the monograph "Professional training of future
specialists in physical education and sports" by L. Sushchenko. The researcher suggested authorial periodization of professional
training development history of specialists in physical education and sports in Ukraine in the XXth century. Scientist distinguishes six
periods in professional training development history of specialists in physical education and sport in Ukraine in the XX century. The
first period (1900 - 1920 years). Seperate institutions apeared which provided professional training of specialists in physical
education and sports. There were created Froebel's pedagogical courses in Kharkiv and Froebel's pedagogical institute in Kyiv. The
second period (1920 - 1929 years). There was formed the Ukrainian system of physical education. The third period (1929-1940). The
State Institue of Ukraine on Physical Education was established, the High School of Trainers was opened. Fourth period (1940 -
1959 years). Faculties of physical education at pedagogical institutes were created. The fifth period (1959 - 1991). Dnipropetrovsk
and Kharkiv state institutes of physical culture were created. The sixth period began in 1991. It was the search for ways of reforming
physical education, its adaptation to market relations. Based on the Sushchenko‘s authorial periodization of professional training
development history of specialists in physical education and sports in Ukraine in the 20th century, by using the analysis of scientific
thought and systematization of national dissertational research it was outlined and characterized the key scientific researches on the
genesis of professional training of physical education teachers in individual countries. Prospects for further scientific research are the
search for updating the content, forms and methods of preparation of future physical education teachers for professional activity.