У статті освітлено погляд на проблеми модернізації сучасної системи фізичного виховання і застосування нових ідей і підходів до організації фізичного виховання.
В статье освещен взгляд на проблемы модернизации современной системы физического воспитания и применение новых идей и подходов к организации физического воспитания.
The article highlights the view on the problems of modernization of the modern system of physical education and the application of new ideas and approaches to the organization of physical education. This article outlines the essence of the process of modernizing physical education and sport in our country, which should take into account the humanitarian significance of physical education and sport, which is to create a sustainable motivation to a healthy lifestyle, to develop students' need for physical self-improvement. One of the main tasks of physical education and sport at universities should be to provide students with a system of knowledge about the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and healthy lifestyle. The introduction of the newest pedagogical technologies, using innovative methods, will enable to solve various problems of personally oriented education, to form individual educational perspectives of future specialists.
The theoretical issues of modernization of the process of physical education in the university. The shortcomings of the methodological and practical nature of modern physical education of students are noted. Justified the expediency of using innovative technologies. Analyzed the main directions of implementation innovative technologies in the system of physical education of university students.